Playing with Paint Chips

From February 15, 2016



Even though it’s a cold, snowy, freezing rain kind of day, I’m busy checking out paint samples for the new Little Free Library.

I also ordered some postcards to leave when I’m visiting other LFLs.  Between those and stamps, pencils, books, notebooks, labels, this is going to cost a bit, but I’m very excited!



Building the Greenbriar Little Free Library

From February 15, 2016



So far, Tom has filled in the cracks that appeared during shipping and has sanded everything down, getting ready for painting.


We’ve decided on a bright blue to match my car and a yellow roof (to make it Cushing’s colors!)



I’ve ordered stamps for the insides of the books, pencils with our motto (Take a Book ~ Return a Book).


Some of our books will also be part of BookCrossing. If you don’t know what that is, here’s more info:


I’ll keep you posted with more info as the construction continues, getting ready for the Grand Opening!