International Book Giving Day



Some of you may know that I’m getting involved in Little Free Library (LFL) and there is a year-old library on my street under the auspices of the O’Connor Music Studio.

When our son is home for a visit, we always go out on a hiking trail with the dog, Mimi, and sometimes my mom.  On one occasion, we say a LFL in the middle of a trail and thought someone made it themselves.

Then there was another one…

DS knew I was fascinated by this whole idea and ordered one for me last Christmas.

I have found one other in our neighborhood, outside the swimming pool.

Watch for more information about our LFL.


In the meantime, don’t forget to celebrate International Book Giving Day tomorrow.



You’ve heard about International Book Giving Day. You love the idea. You’ve got some great quality books. What next?

This fabulous infographic (above) has been created by Jo Ebisujima – Jojoebi, one of the IBGD team, to help you solve that very quandary.

Share your plans on social media using #bookgivingday

International Book Giving Day


Some of you may know that I’m getting involved in Little Free Library (LFL) and there is a year-old library on my street under the auspices of the O’Connor Music Studio.

When our son is home for a visit, we always go out on a hiking trail with the dog, Mimi, and sometimes my mom.  On one occasion, we say a LFL in the middle of a trail and thought someone made it themselves.

Then there was another one…

DS knew I was fascinated by this whole idea and ordered one for me for Christmas 2016.

I have found one other in our neighborhood, outside the swimming pool.

Watch for more information about our LFL.

In the meantime, don’t forget to celebrate International Book Giving Day tomorrow.


You’ve heard about International Book Giving Day. You love the idea. You’ve got some great quality books. What next?

This fabulous infographic (above) has been created by Jo Ebisujima – Jojoebi, one of the IBGD team, to help you solve that very quandary.

Share your plans on social media using #bookgivingday

Can you Steal a Free Book?


From Book Riot

Little Free Libraries are pure literary generosity.

These charming book exchanges, which stand in front yards across the country (and around the world), are typically self-sustaining. Neighbors take a book when they see something they like, and donate a book when they have one to share.

Through this cyclical system, Little Free Libraries are kept full, with inventory that constantly changes.

But, recently, there have been reports of ne’er-do-wells who don’t get the honor-system concept. Instead of choosing one book, or dropping off a title or two, these killjoys take all the books — every last one — leaving nothing but empty shelves for the next patron to find.


Luckily, nothing like this has happened to our LFL,  Greenbriar Little Free Library #33664 (, although I read stories about theft and vandalism on a Facebook page for LFL stewards.

What do you think?  Is it possible to steal something that is free?

The LFL that Started it All

For us, anyway!

Last Saturday, we celebrated a late Thanksgiving since our son couldn’t get home any earlier.  Sunday afternoon, we did our usual “hike” (aka meander) which was taking our dog on a local trail.  Sometimes, my mom goes, sometimes not.  When she’s with us, we plan for an easier trail.

Using an app that we have, our son chose the improbably named Horsepen Run Stream Valley Trail.

We walked for a very short distance, rounded a curve and there it was – the very first LFL we had ever seen.  Apparently, last time we had come in a different entrance.   On this screenshot, last time, we’d come towards the LFL from the right instead of the bottom.

You can see from our tracking app where we stopped and looked around 🙂



Here’s what the first looks like now.


The guestbook was cleverly hidden but we signed it and told the owners that they had inspired us to make our own.

Keep reading!


Playing with Paint Chips

From February 15, 2016



Even though it’s a cold, snowy, freezing rain kind of day, I’m busy checking out paint samples for the new Little Free Library.

I also ordered some postcards to leave when I’m visiting other LFLs.  Between those and stamps, pencils, books, notebooks, labels, this is going to cost a bit, but I’m very excited!



Building the Greenbriar Little Free Library

From February 15, 2016



So far, Tom has filled in the cracks that appeared during shipping and has sanded everything down, getting ready for painting.


We’ve decided on a bright blue to match my car and a yellow roof (to make it Cushing’s colors!)



I’ve ordered stamps for the insides of the books, pencils with our motto (Take a Book ~ Return a Book).


Some of our books will also be part of BookCrossing. If you don’t know what that is, here’s more info:


I’ll keep you posted with more info as the construction continues, getting ready for the Grand Opening!