April 4 ~ National School Librarian Day!

I spent many years helping the school librarian in my son’s elementary school.  It was a great opportunity to be at the school, meet the students and work with the teachers.

Get ready to check out the most book-tastic holiday of the year: National School Librarian Day on April 4th! It’s the perfect occasion to celebrate our unsung heroes who organize the stacks, guide eager minds, and turn the page on education every day. These literary legends don’t just stamp due dates; they’re the masterminds behind our schools’ thriving hubs of knowledge.

On this day, we shine the spotlight on school librarians who are the wizards of the book world, weaving magic with media and charming the chapters of countless books. They are not only guardians of the written word but also tech-savvy guides who plug us into an international network of libraries.

From the Dewey Decimal System to digital databases, school librarians juggle a universe of information with a flair that leaves us in awe. They’re the navigators of narratives and the organizers of an educational odyssey that’s truly inspiring!

How to Make National School Librarian Day a Blast

– Craft a creative “Thank You” card or snag our special postcard for your librarian. Add your artistic touch and drop it in the mail with a heart full of appreciation.

– Gift a token of thanks – maybe a whimsical bookmark or a novel-inspired treat – to the librarian who helped spark your love for reading.

– Dive into the lore of libraries and discover the fascinating tales of those who tend them.

– Post your favorite library memories or shout out to your school librarian using #SchoolLibrarianDay on social media.

Fun Library Facts to Boost Your Brains

– Librarians are everywhere – from public to military libraries, they keep the knowledge flowing.

– Home to millions of resources, the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., is a bibliophile’s dream.

– Did you know? John Beckley was the first Librarian of Congress, appointed by none other than President Thomas Jefferson.

So, whether it’s borrowing a blockbuster or researching for that crucial essay, let’s give a round of applause (whispered, of course, we’re in a library!) for the phenomenal school librarians across the globe. Let’s turn National School Librarian Day into a story worth reading year after year!

April 4 is National School Librarian Day!

I spent many years helping the school librarian in my son’s elementary school.

They do fantastic things!

April 4th is National School Librarian Day.  It is set aside to honor all school librarians.

School librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized, helping our children find the resources they need to keep learning and are dedicated to creating an environment they can learn in every day of the year.  All of this hard work often goes unappreciated.

The school librarians aid our youth in many ways, and their patience sets an example for our children on a daily basis.

Read the entire article here: NATIONAL SCHOOL LIBRARIAN DAY – April 4 | National Day Calendar


April 4 is National School Librarian Day

I spent many years helping the school librarian in my son’s elementary school.

They do fantastic things!

April 4th is National School Librarian Day.  It is set aside to honor all school librarians.

School librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized, helping our children find the resources they need to keep learning and are dedicated to creating an environment they can learn in every day of the year.  All of this hard work often goes unappreciated.

The school librarians aid our youth in many ways, and their patience sets an example for our children on a daily basis.

Read the entire article here: NATIONAL SCHOOL LIBRARIAN DAY – April 4 | National Day Calendar